Better Pricing on Goods and Services with No Fees

For over 20 years, we have been dedicated to assisting construction companies in achieving maximum savings!

Buying Power has successfully anticipated our customers’ needs since 1999, providing value-added purchases with zero commitment costs.

Members receive discounts up to 50%


For Businesses

Large Business Savings
The Buying Power team can act on your behalf to negotiate better pricing for your company and employee needs.

For Employees

Increase Employee Satisfaction
Through The Buying Power Employee Program, you will discover a great way to invest in your team and boost company morale on the road to corporate success.

For Individuals

Receive Big Business Savings
Join the benefits of large businesses and employees around the country with Buying Power savings for individuals.  There is no upfront cost or monthly commitment, just savings from National Suppliers.

We invite you to become a member of the Buying Power Family and experience the difference. It’s not about the power we can gain, but the power we can give you.